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[Fropki] Amazing Photos From the World's Best Fathers

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 08:39 PM PDT

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Unbelievable Pics that are Not Photoshopped
Wedding photographer Jason Lee couldn't take his daughters to see his mother when she was diagnosed with cancer, so he came up with the idea to take these creative photographs of his daughters to post on his blog.
Dave Engledow is creating an unconventional scrapbook for his daughter, Alice Bee. When the little girl -- now a toddler -- grows up she'll have a complete photographic record of herself in highly precarious situations. But most likely, the images will bring up memories that are sweet, not scary, because Alice stars in "World's Best Father," a tongue-in-cheek photo series meant to poke fun at the type of father Engledow does not want to be.
He is now raising funds for World's Best Father 2013 Calendar on Kickstarter !

BONUS: Other cute daddy's little girl portraits!

This father decided to make fake tattoos to celebrate his first one on one time with his daughter. I know some of you will say this is child abuse, but I think it's cute as hell.

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Online Education

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 03:47 PM PDT

Online Vidhya is an Education Website for Online Education, Degrees, Classes, Courses, Jobs, Training, IGNOU, Colleges, Institute, Diploma, PGDM Courses, Home Tutors, Open University, Correspondence Courses. Online Courses, Training, IGNOU, Online Institute, Home Tutors, Teacher Training, Diploma Courses, Open University, Correspondence Courses, Open Learning, HR, MBA, MCA, M.Tech, B.Tech, CAYT, MAT, IIT, B.Com, M.Com, BA, MA, PGDCA Courses Online.

[Fropki] Most Stupid Talents

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 09:53 AM PDT

(Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection.
If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)

Celebrity beach body idols 2012
1. The man who can get kicked in the crotch without injuring himself

Yong Hsueh, a Shaolin monk, appeared on the Chinese version of Britain's Got Talent to demonstrate his ability to get kicked in the crotch without suffering injury. He told the audience: "Steel crotch Kongfu is an ancient art, with roots stretching back to ancient China. "It's a practice to strengthen and protect the male genital organs so there is less chance they are injured or incapacitated in battle."
Cross legged male members of the audience watched in shock as various members of the panel were invited to boot the monk – who simply bowed and smiled after each blow – between the legs. The monk said this skill could only be learned by a student that started in childhood – and it involves pushing the testicles into the body where they could not be hurt.
2. The man who can stretch his skin for over 6 in

Garry Turner (UK), better known as the Stretchy Skin Man, is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm (6.25 in) due to a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs.
3. The man who can burp at 110 decibels

Everyone has their own particular talent. For Paul Hunn, it's the ability to belch at 110 decibels. He achieved the Guinness World record for the loudest burp on the set of The New Paul O'Grady Show, London, UK, on 24 September 2008.
4. The contortionist who can squeeze through the head of a tennis racquet

Captain Frodo is a very disconcerting figure. It could be his semi-naked and very white body, bulging eyes, tattooed back, or perhaps the 2in black pegs skewered through his nipples that do it. Or maybe it is the small fact that he is currently squeezing his body through a 10in diameter tennis racquet - strings removed. Oh yes, and to speed things along a bit, he's now dislocating one joint after another, leaving spaces where shoulders should be and white limbs flopping and flapping in all the wrong places like a rag doll gone wrong. He's a contortionist in La Clique, a circus that also features juggling, sword-swallowing, strong men acts, acrobatics - indeed, pretty much everything but the bearded lady.
5. The man who can pull a minivan using his eyelids

Next time your car needs a tow but it turns out you haven't got the right equipment, talk to this man. Stuntman Xie Zhongcai in Hefei, China's eastern Anhui Province, has another idea that fits the job. Just tie the car to your ear and head off. And if that seems like it might sting just a little, how about his next trick.
If the locals in Heping Square were left with their mouths open after his first stunt, they couldn't believe their eyes the second time – since the stuntman hooked up the minivan to his eye sockets!
6. The man who can throw up anything

Liang Yuxin trumps even the very worst hangovers to become world throwing-up record holder. The Chinese man, 25, from Xia Mei has stunned doctors with his ability to regurgitate anything from a live fish to a 50-inch chain. While the process of dispensing with ten or more mojitos in the morning may feel unnatural, Liang Yuxin's ability to throw up jewellery puts even the bitterest katzenjammer to shame. The champion chunderer said: 'I found out I could do it when I was a boy and I accidentally swallowed a ball and found I could bring it back up at will. 'Now I seem to be able to swallow pretty much anything.'
Liang has taken to regularly swallowing fish and whatever else will fit down his oesophagus for kicks, and is now talking about going for the Guinness World Record in coin-swallowing. 'The record is ten by a man in Britain and I can do 11,' he said.
7. The man who can squirt milk with his eye

lker Yilmaz might just hold one of the world's most bizarre world records. The Turkish construction worker poured milk into his hand, loudly snorted it up his nose and squirted it 9.2 feet out of his left eye in what he hopes will be recognized as a new world record.
8. The man who can fit an entire Coke can in his mouth

Meet the man who won a place in the Guinness World Records for having a mouth so rubbery he can fit an entire Coke can in it… sideways. Francisco Domingo Joaquim's mouth stretches to a massive 6.69-inch-long, which adjudicators from the famous record book say is the world's widest. The 20-year-old record breaker from Sambizanga, Angola, is said to have shot to fame after showing off his 'talent' at local markets and football games.
9. The woman who plays two recorders with her nose

Performer Claire Hawes left Britain's Got Talent judges speechless after showing off her extraordinary abilities with the recorder. Not content with playing just one instrument, she took to the stage with two - which she promptly proceeded to blow with her nose, instead of the more conventional method of using her mouth. Claire was just one of a clutch of performers who hoped to make it through to the finals of the hit TV show.
10. The professor who can draw a perfect freehand circle

Alexander Overwijk draws a perfect freehand circle 1m in diameter in less than a second.

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Poem-A-Day: Poem Interrupted by Whitesnake by Timothy Donnelly

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 07:53 AM PDT

Poem Interrupted by Whitesnake
by Timothy Donnelly


That agreeable feeling we haven't yet been able
   to convert into words to our satisfaction

despite several conscious attempts to do so
   might prove in the end to be nothing

more than satisfaction itself, an advanced
   new formula just sitting there waiting to be

marketed as such: Let my logo be the couch
   I can feel it pulse as the inconstant moon

to which I've come to feel attached continues to pull
   away from earth at a rate of 1.6 inches

every solar year: Let my logo be the couch
   where you merge into nights until you can't

up from the shadows of a factory warehouse
   in historic Secaucus built on top of old swamp-

land I can feel it: Let my logo be the couch
   where you merge into nights until you can't

even remember what you wanted to begin with.
   Let my slogan be the scrapes of an infinite

catalogue's pages turning over and over until you
   find it again

                     In the air above Secaucus

a goldfinch, state bird of New Jersey, stops dead
   midflight and falls to the asphalt of a final

parking lot. Where it lands is a sacred site
   and earth is covered in them. Each is like

the single seed from which an entire wheat field
   generates. This happens inside oneself

so one believes oneself to be the owner of it.
   From the perimeter of the field one watches

as its workers undertake their given tasks:
   some cut the wheat, some bundle it; others picnic

in the shade of a pear tree, itself a form of
   labor, too, when unfolding at the worksite.

A gentle pride engilds this last observation like
   sun in September. Because this happens

inside oneself one feels one must be its owner.
   But call out to the workers, even kindly,

and they won't call back, they won't even look up
   from their work.

                         There must be someplace

else where life takes place besides in front of
   merchandise, but at the moment I can't think of it.

In the clean white light of the market I am where
   I appertain, where everything exists

for me to purchase. If there's a place of not meaning
   what you feel but at the same time meaning

every word, or almost, I might have been taught
   better to avoid it, but

                                here I go again

on my own, going down the only road I've ever
   known, trusting Secaucus's first peoples

meant something specific and true when they fused
   the words seke, meaning black, and achgook,

meaning snake, together to make a compound
   variously translated as "place where the snake

hides," "place of black snakes," or, more simply,
   "salt marsh."

                    Going moon over the gone marsh

Secaucus used to be, I keep making the same
   mistake over and over, and so do you, slowly

speeding up your orbital velocity, and thereby
   increasing your orbital radius, just like Kepler

said you would, and though I keep trying not
   to take it to heart, I can't see where else there is

to go with it. In German, a Kepler makes caps
   like those the workers wear who now bundle

twigs for kindling under the irregular gloom. One looks
   to be making repairs to a skeletal umbrella

or to the thoughts a windmill entertains by means
   of a silver fish. Off in the distance, ships tilt

and hazard up the choppy inlet. Often when I look
   at an object, I feel it looking back, evaluating

my capacity to afford it.

                               Maybe not wanting
   anything in particular means mildly wanting

whatever, constantly, spreading like a wheat
   field inside you as far as the edge of the pine

forest where the real owners hunt fox. They keep you
   believing what you see and feel are actually

yours or yours to choose. And maybe it's this
   belief that keeps you from burning it all down.

In this economy, I am like the fox, my paws no good
   for fire-starting yet, and so I scamper back

to my deep den to fatten on whatever I can find.
   Sated, safe, disremembering what it's like

up there, meaning everywhere, I tuck nose under tail
   after I exhaust the catalogues, the cheap stuff

and sad talk to the moon, including some yelping but
   never howling at it, which is what a wolf does.


This is the first publication of "Poem Interrupted by Whitesnake," copyright © 2012 by Timothy Donnelly. Used with the permission of the author. 

The Cloud Corporation Poetry by Timothy Donnelly
The Cloud Corporation
Twenty-Seven Props for a Production of Eine Lebenszeit
October 1, 2012
Timothy Donnelly
Born in 1969 in Providence, Rhode Island, Timothy Donnelly is the author of two collections of poetry, most recently The Cloud Corporation.
Also by Donnelly
Related Poems
by Judith Hall
by Matthew Zapruder
by Mark Strand

Poem-A-Day started as a National Poetry Month program in 2006, delivering daily poems from newly-published poetry titles.


Due to popular demand, Poem-A-Day became a year-round program in 2010, featuring original, never-before-published poems by contemporary poets on weekdays, and classic poems on weekends.


Browse the Poem-A-Day archive for selections since 2010. 

Thanks for being a part of the Academy of American Poets community. To learn about other programs, including National Poetry Month, Poem In Your Pocket Day, the annual Poets Forum, and more, visit  
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((alpha-Q)) Cute Green Creature

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 06:27 AM PDT

Cute Green Creature






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Spicy Glamorous Beauty | Meenakshi (15 pics)




Sluggo of Ann Arbor
Sluggo is a cute green creature who lives on the streets of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Created by David Zinn.























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[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] File - Back to Basics

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 06:24 AM PDT

The following is written in "Empowering Women" by Louise Hay (but this isn't just for women)!! See page 37 and 38 of this book for this info. Published by Hay House Inc., copyright 1997. Order by calling: (800) 654-5126 or
Louise says, "Like everyone else in life, I, too have problems and crises. This is the way I have learned to handle them. The moment a problem comes up, I immediately say:

"All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe."


"All is well. Everything is working out for the highest good for everyone concerned. Out of this experience only good will come. We are safe."

Louise says, "I will repeat a variation of one of these statements over and over again, maybe non-stop for 20 minutes or so. Within a short period of time, either my mind will clear and I will see the situation differently, or I will have a solution, or the phone will ring and something has shifted and changed. Sometimes when we get over the panic of a situation, we may find that the change really is better than what was originally planned. Sometimes the way we try to control our experiences is not what is best for us."

"Using this attitude and affirmation now works every time for me. I pull away from the problem and affirm the truth about myself and about my life. I get my "worry mind" out of the way so that the Universe can find a solution. I have used it in traffic jams, at airports, with relationships, with health problems, and with work issues. This is learning to flow with life, rather than fighting every change in plans. Let this be your "new" reaction to problems, and watch them disappear." (Written By: Louise Hay)


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[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] File - Rules for AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS.doc

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 06:23 AM PDT

Description : Rules for Affirmations to De-Stress (monthly)


A positive thinking, positive affirmations support group, discussing ways to cope with the stresses of daily life. Come aboard! PJ and Gang

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[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] File - Rules.txt

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 06:23 AM PDT

*** Important Announcement for the Affirmations Group! ***
(A friendly reminder for group members)
 As of January 1, 2006 there will be major changes to the affirmations group regarding rules, manners, and ettiquette within the affirmations group!!  POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS was originally set up 3.5 years ago to give support, love, and friendship to people these days in the highly fast-paced and stressful world that we now live in.  There are always deadlines, obligations, and long "to do lists" of things we each need to accomplish on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis to keep ourselves healthy, happy, productive, and to bless our family members and friends and community. 
POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS was also originally set up to teach the "how's, why's, where's, and who's" of positive affirmations, positive thinking, positive living, and a positive outlook or response to daily life. This group was intended to give out unconditional love and acceptance to everyone -- which I am a firm believer in.  This group also touches on meditation, ways of breathing better (for calmness, peace and good health). Yoga, tai chi, herbal remedies, different forms of spirituality, are also occasionally touched on in the affirmations group. Another big purpose of the affirmations group is to become more stress-free in daily life. In the past, we have touched on ways of dealing with anxiety and insomnia in this group.
POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS was originally intended to teach people how to work on their self-esteem and self-confidence in order to magnify and be the best a person can be, and in being able to live with ourselves and look ourselves in the mirror face to face and to love what we see.  "To thine own self, be true!"   The affirmations group has tried to reach out to individuals and help them become better people and to then spread this message out to others throughout the world. "What you give out, shall come back to you!" 
The affirmations group was never meant to be a counseling service or a place where people could divulge all their deep, dark troubles in their lives here or be a "dumping ground" where one could tell anyone anything here and still get love and support back.  However, in some cases this is exactly what this group has become.  I am a very kind-hearted, loving, genuine person who deeply cares for others. I have been through a lot of "stuff" in my lifetime, and dealt with a lot of troubles myself, which has made me more emphathetic to others and what they are going through.  That is why I have tried so hard to reach out to everyone and lift people up with encouragement, hope and love.  But, it seems that when I have tried to help others, this group tends to become a "dumping ground" where a few people have been helped perhaps, but many others get discouraged by hearing the troubles and difficulties of people over and over. I myself, tend to get down after awhile of this pattern.  I feel that these changes are needed for the affirmations group to grow and blossom and to get back to its original roots and intentions. 
As of January 1st, 2006: if anyone wants to write in an email to the affirmations group to tell us of all the difficulties and troubles in your life, please go elsewhere to do this. Join a different yahoo group or seek out help in the 12-step programs (either in person or through the internet).  There are also groups on the web that deal with anxiety or depression, or chronic illnesses.  Please join those groups to be able to write in and share your woes.  But, please do not do that within the affirmations group. 
POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS is the TOOLBOX that each of us has to learn ways to cope better and de-stress, ways to become more positive in our lives, and how to benefit from using positive affirmations and positive thinking.  This affirmations group is also where you can share your successes and stories of how you were, and how you became better! 
 * Now, I'm not asking every single person to never share that they are having a bad day, or a difficult week -- ALL of us need to vent occasionally. But, if we get on tirades of ONLY sharing the negative and the bad side of life, then we are detouring from our goal.  That is why I am asking to keep the negative talk to a very minimum, ...and to even TRY TO SEE SOME POSITIVE within the negative talk.  Reach out and try to discard the negative way of looking at things, and try to accentuate the positive and uplifting ways of hope and love and encouragement. *
  *** Briefly, new rules are: 1) When sending in a message to the POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS yahoo group, please think over what you want to say before writing it in an email to the group. How will your message affect others, and what are you hoping to accomplish by sending in this email?
2) If you are just having a bad day, or a difficult time, try to think what you can learn from this experience and how you can turn "a venting email" into a positive affirmation or a more positive way of looking at things?
3) If all you want to do is express your disgust or frustration with life, please take that message elsewhere. [I for one, suffer from terrible rheumatoid arthritis pain year round. But, who wants to hear me moan and groan, or whine and complain every day about how bad I might feel?! So, I go elsewhere to express this (most of the time), and instead share more positive messages in the affirmations group. As you can imagine, this has taken some self-discipline and time for me to learn this lesson. I know that I have improved and my belly-aching has lessened in the affirmations group. This is just an example.]
4) Please share positive experiences, or personal stories of victory with the affirmations group! Let us hear how affirmations are helping your thought processes, and in successfully changing your life for the better! We love to hear motivating and inspiring stories! Sometimes, a picture can be worth a thousand words!
5) If any group members forget and write a long diatribe to the group about how unfair life is, or what a crummy time one is having, will be given one warning from the group moderators.
6) If a person does this a second time -- the forgetting and writing a long story or email about their life, ...the person will be put on a moderated status within the group. That means, you can write in a message to the group, but that it will be read by the moderators BEFORE it can be sent out to all the group members. This will take time, and be somewhat frustrating for the individual, as well as for the moderators.
7) Lastly, if the same behavior continues, ...the person will be asked to leave the affirmations group. Then, they will not have the benefit of positive affirmations & stories to listen to or read, and they may even lose a friendship that they may have with another group member. ***
Basically, those are the group rules, and I feel that they are fair. If they need to be revised in the future, all group members will be notified as to the changes.
Your humble owner/moderator of POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS,
Love and hugs, PJ


A positive thinking, positive affirmations support group, discussing ways to cope with the stresses of daily life. Come aboard! PJ and Gang

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[Fropki] Kaki West Disturbed The Neighborhood By Her Workout Session

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 05:59 AM PDT

Wake Up the Box 4


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[Fropki] Being There For You

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 03:26 AM PDT

Paint your bedroom purple for great sex life


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[Fropki] File - Important Instructions for All Members

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 02:22 AM PDT

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>==[]==>> When Safety Hardly Matters

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 02:16 AM PDT


When Safety Hardly Matters

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>==[]==>> The Portraits Made Of Circles

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 02:15 AM PDT


The Portraits Made Of Circles

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>==[]==>> Gorgeous Maria Menounos In An Awesome Dress

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 02:15 AM PDT


Gorgeous Maria Menounos In An Awesome Dress

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>==[]==>> Abhi Abhi Toh Mile Ho Jism 2 HD Song (Video)

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 02:15 AM PDT


Abhi Abhi Toh Mile Ho Jism 2 HD Song (Video)

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[Fropki] 4 Tips to Avoid Work-From-Home Email Scams

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 01:37 AM PDT

Electric Box 2 (Puzzle)


2. Be Wary of Names
After you've mentally prepared yourself to check whether a web address is legit, a company name can also be detrimentally deceiving. Just ask the FTC who stated in a press release that they had to mail $2.3 million refund checks to 93,086 consumers who purchased a $4 "work at home" kit, guaranteeing they would earn $100,000 in six months. Not stressed about losing $4? Though it is a delicious mocha or two, you should be concerned about the fact that scammers get your account information from that $4 charge and continue to charge it for $72 or so, every month. And the reason this particular scam was successful before the big bust-up was because the fake company names job seekers were applying with were sneakily misleading: Google Money Tree, Google Pro and Google Treasure Chest.

3. Don't Pay Up
Be extremely wary if a company claiming to hire you would charge for anything. The purpose of getting a job is to earn money, not spend it. Triple check whom you are applying with if there is a charge at all, as the cons can get clever, telling you that you got the job, you just need to pay for a company-issued laptop. Even better? Past scams requested your bank account information to supposedly deposit money into your account to help you purchase a laptop or, in the case of the mystery shopper scam, fool you into cashing a fake check and then owing money to the bank.

4. Google It
One red flag for starters can be the contact you corresponding with. Is the email address legit, and is the company URL? Or, are you giving personal information to Generally, your new boss will have an email address associated with the company that is hiring you. But don't let that satisfy you, either. Make sure you can get someone on the actual phone before accepting employment with them. Another recent scam was conducting interviews over IM. Similar to the fake email address, it's very easy to create a fake IM account.

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Quote Lady's Quote for Oct. 1

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 06:19 AM PDT

Hi all - I'm officially back home after being
away for a month. Everything should be back
on a regular schedule now.

Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 15, Number 275
ISSN 1534-3073

Quote for Monday, October 1, 2012

A traveller without observation
is a bird without wings.
~ Moslih Eddin Saadi


Taking a trip this autumn? Take along our Quotes
for Traveling for those days when it's too rainy
to go out. Or read them in the car to help those
miles zip by. They also make a great hostess gift!
Find these and all our other great portable quotes at:


Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted.

October is: Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
This week is: Spinning and Weaving Week
Today, October 1 is: World Smile Day

Birthday of: William Edward Boeing [founded aircraft co]
(b. 1881)
Vladimir Horowitz [pianist] (b. 1904)
Jimmy Carter [former US president; humanitarian] (b. 1924)


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Copyright (c) 2012 Karen L. Oberst, Editor & Publisher
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گران‌ قیمت‌ ترین عطرهای جهان

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 12:02 AM PDT


گران‌ قیمت‌ ترین عطرهای جهان

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گران‌ قیمت‌ ترین عطرهای جهان


کاربر عزیز باز شدن تصاویر زمان بر است
لطفا تا باز شدن كامل عكسها شكیبا باشید.

 استفاده از یک عطر یا ادکلن خوش بو و فوق العاده می تواند در هر مکانی وجه تمایز افراد محسوب شود.بی شک، همه ما به برخی رایحه ها علاقمند بوده و ممکن است برای خرید عطر مورد نظرمان حتا مبالغ هنگفتی را هزینه کنیم.اما آیا تاکنون به این فکر کرده اید که گران قیمت ترین عطرهای جهان تا چه اندازه می توانند گران قیمت باشند؟برای پاسخ به این پرسش در ادامه برخی از گران قیمت ترین نمونه های موجود در جهان را معرفی می کنیم. عطرهایی با رایحه هایی بی نظیر و بطری هایی که خود همانند جواهر زیبا و گران قیمت هستند.

"Caron's Poivre"

قیمت هر بطری از این عطر برابر با دو هزار دلار است. بطری باکارا فوق العاده زیبای آن با کریستال و طلای سفید تزیین شده و نقش مهمی در افزایش قیمت این عطر داشته است. هر بطری حاوی دو اونس عطر است.

گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


 "Ralph Lauren Perfume Notorious"

قیمت هر بطری از این عطر برابر با 3 هزار و 540 دلار است. این عطر تنها در فروشگاه  "Harrods" در لندن ارائه می شود.

گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


 "Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes"

قیمت هر بطری از این عطر برابر با 6 هزار و 800 دلار است. بطری این عطر از طراحی جالب توجه هرمی شکل برخوردار بوده و با کریستال تزیین شده است.

گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


 "Jar Perfumes The Bolt of Lightening"

قیمت هر اونس از این عطر برابر با 765 دلار است. "جوئل رزنتال" طراح مشهور جواهرات خالق این عطر بوده که رایحه آن همانند بوی هوا پس از زدن آذرخش است. در طراحی بطری کریستالی این عطر نیز به ایجاد حالت آذرخش توجه شده است.

 گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


"Henri Almeras's Joy Perfume for Jean Patou"

قیمت هر اونس از این عطر برابر با 800 دلار است. "هنری آلمراس" در سال 1929 عطر  "Joy" را برای عطرفروش فرانسوی "ژان پاتو" تهیه کرد و از آن زمان تاکنون، یکی از ناب ترین و بهترین رایحه های جهان بوده است. این عطر در زمان بحران وال استریت و برای بازگرداندن شادی به زندگی مردم تولید شد و به رغم قیمت بالا، همچنان از محبوبیت بسیاری برخوردار است.

 گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


 "Annick Goutal Perfume EAU D'hadrien"

قیمت هر بطری 3.4 اونسی این عطر برابر با هزار و 500 دلار است. "آنیک گوتال"، عطرساز مشهور خالق این عطر بوده که از رایحه مرکبات مانند لیموی سیسیلی و انگور در آن استفاده شده است. رایحه شیرین و خاص آن می تواند افراد را جادو کند.

گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


 "Hermes Perfume 24 Faubourg"

قیمت هر اونس از این عطر برابر با هزار و 500 دلار است. زمان تولید آن به سال 1995 باز می گردد. این عطر ترکیبی از یلانگ یلانگ، شکوفه های پرتقال، یاس، زنبق، وانیل و عنبر سائل بوده و در بطری های کوچک یک اونسی عرضه می شود.

گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


 "Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty Perfume"

قیمت هر بطری از این عطر برابر با 215 هزار دلار است.

این عطر از رایحه ای خاص و بی همتا برخوردار است که ترکیبی از یاس، هل، میخک، لیمو، ترنج و بادام تلخ است.

 قیمت فوق العاده بالای این عطر به واسطه الماس سفیدی است که در بطری آن به کار رفته است.

 تنها 20 بطری از اینعطر ساخته شده که به صورت مساوی بین نمونه های مردانه و زنانه تقسیم شده است.

 گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید


و اما آخریش

 "DKNY Golden Delicious"

قیمت این عطر برابر با یک میلیون دلار است.

 این محصول حاصل همکاری شرکت " "DKNY با شرکت جواهرسازی "مارتین کاتز" است.

به کارگیری 15.17 قیراط الماس سفید، 2.43 قیراط الماس زرد و 183 گرم طلا موجب ارائه چنین قیمت هنگفتی شده است.

 گروه اینترنتی شادینه - برای عضویت کلیک نمایید

هندزفری تغییر صدا

 قيمت : 11900 تومان

همکاران ما قبل از ارسال با شما تماس خواهند گرفت

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تغییر همزمان صدا بعد از صحبت کردن

شما با صدای متفاوت می توانید صحبت کنید همچنین شما برای دریافت تماس  نیز می توانید از این دستگاه استفاده و قبل از برقراری ارتباط دکمه lift/hang-up را فشار دهید و با صدای متفاوت تلفن خود را پاسخ دهید.با کوچکترین تغییر در صدای خود ، صدای متفاوتی را خواهید شنید


توانایی ایجاد تغییرات کلی در صدا

تبدیل صدای مرد به زن و بالعکس

دستگاهی برای تغییر صدا در مکالمات

دوست داری یک عمر دوستاتو سرکار بزارید؟؟

یک شوخی فوق العاده جالب وخنده دار 

 قيمت : 11900 تومان

همکاران ما قبل از ارسال با شما تماس خواهند گرفت

خرید پستی هندزفری تغییر صدا change voice handsfree 

تغییر صدا با قابلیت های جالب!!!

تبدیل صدای شما به مرد یا زن هنگام صحبت با موبایل

کافیست این هندزفری را به گوشی خود وصل کنید و صدای خود را تغییر دهید 

دارای قابلیت اکو (برگشت ) که در هنگام مکالمه شما علاوه بر

صدای مخاطب صدای تغییر یافته خودتان را نیز خواهید شنید.

شما می توانید در هنگام مکالمه حالت صدا را تغییر داده

 و حالت مرد یا زن را حین مکالمه انتخاب کنید�

هیچ کس نمی داند شما چه کسی هستید!

توانایی ایجاد تغییرات کلی در صدا و تبدیل

 صدای کاربر به صدای مرد و زن

 قيمت : 11900 تومان

همکاران ما قبل از ارسال با شما تماس خواهند گرفت

خرید پستی هندزفری تغییر صدا change voice handsfree 

تحویل درب منزل و دریافت وجه توسط مامور پست.
ارسال و توزیع توسط شرکت پست جمهوری اسلامی ایران.
تمامی محصولات عرضه شده دارای بیمه ارسال ، بسته بندی زیبا و پشتیبانی نا محدود میباشد


شاد باشيد بخنديد و از اينترنت لذت ببريد

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[Hindi_Jokes] Re: Places Wallpaper

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 07:19 AM PDT


Thanks to posting very nice photos


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Perspective - Daily Inspiration

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 10:02 PM PDT

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Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote ... Jonathan Lockwood Huie

October 1, 2012

Insights for living with joy and purpose

Dear Ferry Meed

The beauty does not live out there;
the beauty's in my eyes.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
- Marcus Aurelius

When a man you like switches from what
he said a year ago, or four years ago,
he is a broad-minded person who has courage enough
to change his mind with changing conditions.
When a man you don't like does it,
he is a liar who has broken his promise.
- Franklin Pierce Adams

Re-examine all that you have been told...
dismiss that which insults your soul.
- Walt Whitman

You have a choice about the perspective you take on life.
See tragedy, and the world is tragic -
see beauty, and the world is beautiful.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Further reading: Perspective

We All Want Great Results

Is Hope Futile?

Quotes about Perspective

Quotes about Beauty

Quotes about Facts

Quotes about Opinions

Quotes about Politics

Quotes about Truth

May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan

Jonathan Lockwood Huie
jlh @ sail7 .com
Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote

See all 1000+ Daily Inspirations with pictures and links at
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[Fropki] Sunny Leone's Xtreme Sensual Moments in Jism 2

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 09:48 PM PDT


Sunny Leone's Xtreme Sensual Moments in Jism 2

Christina Aguilera's Shameless Acts in New Music Video

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>==[]==>> Beautiful Indian Nights Photographs

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 09:06 PM PDT


Beautiful Indian Nights Photographs

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>==[]==>> Most Creative Packaging Designs

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 09:05 PM PDT


Most Creative Packaging Designs

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>==[]==>> Tollywood Movie Bhaja Bhajantrilu Exclusive Stills

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 09:07 PM PDT


Tollywood Movie Bhaja Bhajantrilu Exclusive Stills

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[Fropki] Funniest Peculiar Cats

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 08:39 PM PDT

(Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection.
If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)

Don't Jump to conclusions
1. Hitler cat

Staff at an animal charity named this abandoned kitten "Kitler" - because she bears an uncanny resemblance to the Nazi leader.
2. Cat in a jar

A kitten who likes to squeeze into empty jars has no fear of getting into the tightest of spots. Ksyusha- a young Himalayan Cat - has been pictured in a variety of poses, including sitting in the washing machine and under the kitchen table.
3. Hunting cat

4. On-line cat

5. Nerdy cat

6. Camouflaged cat

7. Cat breading

Latest online sensation.
8. World's smallest cat

Meet Mr. Peebles. He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world's smallest cat! The cat's small stature was verified by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2004.
9. Courageous cat

10. Traitor cat

11. Cosplay cat

12. Sports cat

A kitten standing behind a soccer ball about to be kicked sky high.

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